Why would this interest me?

We have fine-tuned the partner management workflow to ensure that the information collected from partners has been reduced, and the password creation workflow is updated to support an initial access password before enabling the partner to securely create their own password. These small enhancements further ensure high quality of data handling and access.


How does it look now when creating a new partner?

When creating a new partner on your UI, we have removed the non-critical fields such as title, fax and skype.

In addition, the password that you create for this partner is now only an initial access password. Partners, upon first log in with the access password, will now be prompted with new workflow to set their own password.


Can I still edit my partner’s details?

Yes. Unlike user details, where the information is classified as information relating to a natural person (Art. 4 GDPR) therefore no editing is allowed, partner’s details are classified as business information. Therefore, they will continue to be editable.

The partner’s password is an exception to this because, as we know by now, it controls data access and therefore should be strictly controlled. You can now only create an access password, enabling the partner thamselves to securely create their own password that’s only known to them.


Are there any changes to the exports?

In partner exports, the columns for Salutation as well as Fax have been removed, which will cause a change in the export column format. If you have an automation in place that refers to data in your Partner Exports, please take these changes into consideration right away!


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