Last week, our sales team was in Hamburg to attend Online Marketing Rockstars Festival 2018, the extraordinary expo and conference that attracts top influencers of the online marketing world and rockstars to meet.

According to the official website, this year’s expo attracted over 300 exhibitors and 40,000 visitors, which is a whopping 60% increase from last year. As with every year, there were also an incredible number of inspiring speakers and masterclasses – our COO Robert Schneider was among this last year, presented a masterclass on Attribution in E-commerce, fed with analyses of our experience with our clients.

This time, Robert Schneider attended the event with his sales team to meet up with many advertisers, ad networks and portals, who were interested in finding out how our technology could help them.

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Recurring marketing challenges

During our exchanges with online players, often their recurring needs were:

  • They need a tracking technology to consolidate data collected from their channels and partners onto a single platform
  • They are looking for a technology provider to allow them to build up a private affiliate network

This was an interesting finding. Through the development of the market, accuracy in tracking has become more of an expected standard, whereas the consolidation of data from different marketing sources would give them a big win in efficiency.

Likewise for the private affiliate network – it isn’t a question of whether they should have a private or a public network, as they are often inseparable. The real question is how to ensure they are getting the transparency and insights out of their investment in partners and affiliates.

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Our experience

We had a great time at the event. Here is a preview of what went down in Hamburg:

Thank you for a great time, OMR – see you next year!